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Always remember not to wear loose-fitting clothing around a Zig Zag who is also wearing loose-fitting clothing.

(- unless you want to.)




boy Zig, pretty bold just grabbing her pants and tugging them like that.


I definitely want to <3

Glenn Sellers

I agree with Cathy in the fourth panel. I'm impressed with Zig's beautiful, long hair, too. If nothing else about her impresses me, her gorgeous long, white hair does. Of course, Cathy does have some rather impressive attributes, too.

Glenn Sellers

Well, if Cathy's going to wear that type of pants, she should expect that someone's going to want to investigate a peek-a-boo tattoo.

Zorin the Lynx

I'm just happy to see a kittycat in a front and center role in these comics. And a really cute one at that. :)


I love these subtle sneaky shots amidst the conversation between them!