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Sorry that we didn't spend more time with Holly & Doug, but this story has to tie itself up into a neat little bow before next month is done.

Also, introducing "Scruffy".




Awesome! and I am sure there be more Holly & Doug down the line =^.^= I know this is not on the table but have you thought about doing a Stacey and Tracey like how they meet or became a couple?


I liked this. Foo’s funny, and I like the interaction and budding relationship of Holly and Doug. Look forward to see where this goes.

Jared Bable

Gotta show us that profile pic she's using at some point. Can't just tease people like that. 👏


Cute wrap up on all ends, thanks for that. Scruffy = hermit crab? Also I like that she wears fingerless gloves even when typing on a keyboard. Reminds me of a true cyber warrior--i.e. me in college hahaha

Glenn Sellers

Gee! I wonder who that ZZStudios user is, too. (LOL) Holly, why do you feel like you need to explain why you need contraceptives or maybe I should ask why the doctor's receptionist feels a need to ask why?


There's still a couple pages left to go on this comic. I do have a Stacey & Tracey comic concept for eventual future appearance, though not necessarily a historical one. Gotta take care of the planned comics first though.