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We finish up this comic as Jane finishes up the worst yet most eventful and exciting (and possibly last) day of her life. Will she return? I suppose that depends on future interest, support, and votes.

Stay tuned as we will have the cover for a new comic story coming late this month. (still figiuring out the title)

Eric S.



Trystan MadWolf

Definitely bring back this sexy bun. Its fun reading what shenanigans she gets into, and what shenanigans get into her, hahaha. Sorry for the bad joke XD

Glenn Sellers

And I thought I had bad luck. Dang Jane, you have my utmost of sympathies. (BTW Eric, I DO hope we get to see more of Jane. I mean Jane's adventures. (I don't know how we could see more of her since we've seen almost every square inch of her. LOL.))

Kenneth Chisholm

I really want to see the next chapter of this! Especially to learn who that stranger is!


Plz Eric Bring Her Back!!!!!


Quite a dark end for the comic. I had hoped when she ran off into the forest she would trip over the snake that ate her father and cause the serpent to spit him out, and they would Sprint off together toward her next misadventure. I really hope we see her again. Her near boundless optimism lent to her being a fun and sexy character to follow.


Go with the plant doom, or the gator doom. ANYTHING but the spiders! x_X Or, I guess, go with the rescuing stranger in the shadows. =P


uh, whoa! That got... unexpectedly super dark, lol. Was expecting giant spiders, got sudden crocodile digestion. rip, I guess? That plant was hilarious though!

Stone Quillian III

Ugh, I hate cliffhangers. What's going to happen next time?


Mondays, amirite?


I just hope she don't die

Alexey Belovolsky

Thanks for another one brilliant comic!


This is getting grim


That was great! But yes the ending got a bit too dark for my liking. I hope this isn't the last we see of this intrepid explorer - let's hope the croc and carnivorous plant find this tasty bunny somewhat indigestible! (I see the shadowy figure to the right at the end so I'm hopeful! ;) )

Brian Christy Burke

Any word on what is next? I hope it's more of that bat girl.


I am interested to see what you have planned next though I wouldn’t be opposed to a resolution to this particular cliffhanger


Hmmm..., highlights on the shadowy figure..., suggests another bunny to me, but maybe NOT a male? Are those biceps or breasts??


I'd like to see a continuation of this comic, involving the dark watcher!


Is not it all sad end? :"(

Aaron Dain

Bring sexy bunny back please


I vote for her return.

Zrath Smiley

Well, that's it. You've killed her. Murderer