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Hey peeps, I'm finally ready to start drawing Patreon smut again o3o

Tomorrow at 12 EST I will be opening up character suggestions for gold and diamond tiers..with a new twist!
Previously patrons could suggest their character via a google form. The results were only visible to me and only I would pick from them to put on a poll.
However I want it to be more public so that people can see what's going on and have more say in it. Yay for transparency ovo

How's it gonna work? Tomorrow, I'll make a post announcing that character suggestions are open. In order to make a suggestion all you have to do is reply to my future post with a comment stating the character name and the series. Patrons are encouraged to "heart" whichever characters they like to increase that character's chances of ending up on the poll.

When I think there are enough submissions I will choose the 20 characters with the most likes and add them to the character poll. If there are any ties, they will be chosen randomly.

Oh yeah, I'm also completely revamping the rewards system so that it gives more power to patrons, but that'll be detailed in a separate post ovo)b

Feel free to share your opinions on this new system. Let's see how this works out!


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