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First, thank you for sticking around and being here.

I really found myself with a growing sense of disquiet around August, and this sense of heaviness took it's greatest toll with my writing.  I suddenly found that I had difficulty completing clear tasks that I had in mind if it meant getting the words out of my head.

Despite this, I managed to upgrade my hardware with a new video card and began experimenting with a Genesis 8 model of my own.  Just a basic modification to see if I could get more out of the figure morphs.

As time progressed I sat in front my pending projects slowly pushing the keys to bring something more your way, but I still found progress slow and frustrating.

Last week I received the inevitable news I was expecting, the passing of my Father.  Even though I'm now faced with a fresh wave of difficult emotions and taking my own time to process everything, I feel a sense of relief.

I wrote something new that I wish to share, based around the new models.




J Green

Deepest condolences.

tron carter

I am so sorry for your loss