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First, thank you all for your continued support!

I’m encouraged and grateful to take my stories from my imagination and share them with you.

I am working on wrapping up Control Group, there are a few more scenes I’m trying to get just right, I hope to have an update by the end of July.

Secretary Pool is a new comic I’ve been working on to participate in Septrender this year. I plan to publish a sneak preview for Patrons, and follow the story up with an in depth conclusion.

Septrender is supposed to be sent in by mid August but I will be out of town so I have less time than expected.

Hang on everyone, there is a lot more content around the corner!




Hey love your work my favorite is caggata just wondering if you're still doing a epilogue?


Yes, there is a lot completed there so I intend to return to my work on Caggata after Control Group and Secretary Pool.