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The first matter of business is regarding Zenofae Gene.  Earlier I issued a poll for the $3 tier and up to change the nature of the artwork from hand drawn art by Inknox to 3d art created by myself and the results are in favor of 3d art.  This is because Inknox has been out of contact following health issues that hospitalized them.  I don't know the severity of their situation but the earlier vote in July to give them immediate support by requesting art blocks was turned down and there has been no word from them regarding any pending requests I've sent them since July.  

There are enough people that are in favor of hand drawn art that I will keep a version of Zenofae Gene with Inknox's art intact for those of you who want to play it.  I want Inknox's art to still be a part of Zenofae Gene because it was part of the original concept for the game.

Artwork has been a silent obstacle keeping scenes in Zenofae Gene from being fully fleshed out to give the game the kind of experience that I wanted.  It will take some time, but all of the artwork currently in the game will be revised with new 3d art.  I am therefore changing the first Patreon goal from an artblock from Inknox to acquiring 3d assets to create the models representative of what Inknox has done (effectively the First Three Transformations).

The work I'm doing to clean up the game progression is going well and you should have an updated version in a few days.  What holds me back is finding areas that were supposed to have more story and options available early on and rewriting them so that it's available to play (instead of invisible because I wrote it poorly in the beginning).

CNT University will most likely have an update in November, and I will plan to have an update of both Zenofae Gene and CNT University by December (with luck).  The artwork from Saturnxart has been beautiful and inspiring... it's been a challenge to ignore CNT and work on ZFG instead but I deeply want Zenofae Gene to be a more composed game before I take a break from it.

Thank you all for supporting my work and the artists that are a part of these games.  Please leave any comments or thoughts below or send me a direct message.




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