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In typical fashion I've sent you guys a release with tons of bugs.  Thankfully I'm getting a lot of specific reports on what's happening which will allow me to more easily identify the problems in the game.

I'm hoping that I can upload a bugfix version later today, which will also include more of the masturbation scene which was added but only for certain circumstances. I had originally left it out while the main character is having her period because it wasn't an accurate representation, but then forgot to add it to the other scenes. 

I can also do a poll to see how many of you are okay with period art which is something I would like to ask of Saturnxart (later).

After CNT University! is updated then I will move on to correct bugs with the latest version of Zenofae Gene, then proceed with creating new material.  On the topic of ZFG I could rush to issue an update for the end of August but I don't think that makes as much sense as devoting September to developing the game.

CNT U is meant to be seasonal premium content while Zenofae gene should have an update about every month.  August was very busy for me IRL and the development of the CNT weekly system consumed much more of my time than anticipated.  There is still more work to do in that regard since I want to open up the entire university campus once the first week is done.

Leave comments or questions, as always thank you for your continued support!
