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Added 6 new full color images, plus several rendered images for dialog.

-finished the Zeno Passageway level (really it's 90%)

-added pregnancy and cum inflation framework, art will be added later

-added the Mysterious Caves

-added the Berlin Station research facility

-added Lushess, a new character

-added robot sex at the Berlin Station (zombie sex to follow)

-added a loop back to the main menu once the end of content is reached

-added credits for art, programming, plugins and most importantly a thanks to everyone who has supported this project. If you have any concerns regarding a public release of your name let me know and I will change your information to "anonymous".

-fixed various bugs

I hope you all enjoy,

Happy Zeno Hunting!



After getting Lushess. I attack with her and get this error Failed to load: img/animations/Hit1.png then retry


Strange.... I'll check that out and post an update. Could it be that you need to start a new game?


I would let the player safe before looping back to the start menu.