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Hey guys,

My mom (who's helping us take care of my baby so I can work for a few hours a day) sadly has been diagnosed with pneumonia and she had to go home to get better. So we are left with nobody to help us look after the children, so I am in fulltime mom mode, which means sadly I won't be able to do much this week. My husband and I will try to take turns and I will be trying to work at least for an hour or two in the afternoons, so I hope some stuff will get done.

My mom will be back in a week, after the's gotten better and I will resume work at full speed! Thanks a lot for your understanding and sorry for the delays this causes T^T



Jesus christ Lana! Hope she gets well soon, pneumonia is no joke! Sending lots of hugs!


Best wishes for mom <3


thanks dear! She's gotten on antibiotics fast and is now resting everyday at home. She is getting better slowly <3 I do look forward to hearing good news finally haha


*Big hug* I hope your mother get well soon :S


I know I'm late to this convo, but I hope she's doing well.