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Hey guys!

Thanks so much for another month <3  This month I was slacking, cause of my tailbone fracture and due to being absolutely dead thanks to 6 weeks of constant coughing. Finally I am back on my feet towards the end of the month and I think I will be able to start working normally in September or at least I hope so.

This month, since I didn't have much to show (lots of wip artworks but not so many finished or possible to show in high resolution yet), I decided to dig through 2022 and pack some of the art done back then. Since we have a lot of new people around I'm sure  a lot of you will see these artworks for the first time <3 So I hope this will be a good substitute for my usual fat packs haha.

Anyway, hope you had a good time this month and I look forward to drawing more finally ^^ Thanks for your patience!

Also - the voted for Lana will be moved to September. I wanted to and tried, but wasn't able to finish her in time :(




You're spoiling us ❤️❤️❤️