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Hey guys! I have had a rather hard time working recently, my both children are going through a mom-phase where I just have to be with them otherwsie the entire house is on fire and everybody screams and yells. So I sadly had to slow down a bit...

But here's another human artwork that I just recently finished! This time featuring one of Farex's girls with a Southeast Asian descent. I hope I gave her justice :)

And I hope you like the outcome!

There is one last slot available for claiming for this month and this theme and you can do so in the comments here (15$+ Patrons only) :)




So i take it thats normal?😅 mine have been doing that lately, i try to help my wife and they scream like im a stranger trying to take them from her😅😅😅


oh yes, that is normal... But there are periods of higher intensity where I simple just can't leave the room without there being a total hurricane of tears and crazy xD I do empathize with your wife a lot, pass her my condolations haha. Moms have it rough :D And poor dads can't even do anything about it!


We have twins that are four and its i think were going through another one of those patches, condolences for yall also, and thank you for taking the time to do what you do :3