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Currently I am set up to doing 1 fanart poster every 2 months and refining 1 sketch a month (both voted for by 6$+ Patrons). I try my best to post a comic page a week (sometimes bi-weekly).

Basically would you want me to do fanart posters a monthly thing, or would prefer that I refine more voted for sketches (since  they are daily I create around 25-30 sketches a month, so it would possibly be better to choose your favorite 3 instead of just 1). Or would you prefer that I focus more on the comic and try my best to complete more pages, instead of spending time on sketches and fanarts?
I enjoy all these options and it's hard for me to choose, so I rather ask what do you think?

It's only a question for now, but I do want to focus more on Patreon and become less dependant on commissions, so I want to try my best and produce Patreon content :)

If I managed to find a bit more time would you prefer that I...


John Van Stry

I think that the comic has the ability to become the more fiscally successful avenue over the long term. Of course being an author I'll admit to being more biased towards stories. I would also like to suggest (if you're not already aware of this) is to do a lot of shorter story arcs. It's okay to have one big overall arc, but it helps to be able to break things down a bit, both for you as the creator, and for fans and audience as the readers. I've seen too many projects fail because neither the author or the reader really knew where the story was going, and suddenly it just ... stopped. With no resolution of any kind. Breaking the story down into bite size chunks makes it easier for you to create it.


Thanks! Before I ever got the courage to start drawing the first page I wrote and learned about story telling for years now :) I have wanted to make a comic ever since I was 15 and I am since then trying to widen my knowledge about it. This story in general is a closed case, the whole plot is long but it's divided into tomes with each having a main problem being fought against ^^ we'll see how it goes, I don't expect it to suddenly stop since I have the whole story thought out from start to finish and most is already written if not in dialogue, then in summary :) it's my first story anyway, so I'm sure there will be mistakes along the way but I hope to learn from them so I can continue creating more stories later on!