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Hey guys,

This has been a crazy month. I have started posting here daily... I don't think I ever accomplished anything of this sort, but I am so happy that I became so creative!

We are already at 112 Patrons and we only just hit a 100 last week! Thank you SO MUCH for your engagement and I hope you enjoy the daily content I put out here! :)

Also, in January I had 76 Patrons, so all the new faces arrived this month and it's only the 16th! Isn't it amazing?!
Welcome everyone, I hope you enjoy it here! Remember you can always ask me anything via DM if you need my assistance or if you aren't sure how some features of my tiers work! I try to make everything clear in my info, but there is always room for doubt, I'm sure!

Once again, welcome!

Thank you for making my art career dream come true. You truly make creating art worth my while and it makes me the happiest lil Panda in the world.