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You most likely already heard the news... But for those who didn't!

 It's true! I'm pregnant with an  adorable baby boy. It's already my fifth month of pregnancy and this is  the true reason why I've been SO SLOW with creating art and completing  commissions.
The ultimate date of birth is the beginning of November and me and my  husband are eager to meet our wonderful baby! I am already deeply in  love with him and am experiencing the first kicks of his tiny lil legs.  It's super cute, other than sometimes he kicks my liver or other times  makes it hard to breathe. But this is WORTH it and I already know it.
I will try my best to work for as long as my pregnancy allows it, so there will be an event  arriving soon. I also plan on working after the baby arrives, maybe  completing quick sketches, to help cover our vast baby expenses.

Anyone who have spoken with me about this topic before knows, that this  has been a VERY difficult struggle for me. I have more than a few health  issues that I was always told, could make it hard or even impossible  for me to bare children. But I have put so much effort into this issue,  that it was finally made possible! It almost feels like a miracle, as I  was always dreaming of a big family (I am hoping for 3 kids minimum!).
I will write a more in depth journal about this lifechanging event for anyone who would be interested to have more insight!
I also want to thank each and every one of you, who supported me so far  with this. You have been amazing, caring and understanding. Thank you so  much.

Also sadly, this is a very difficult moment for me, as I am physically  not able to work as much as I used to (sitting hurts my back after a  couple hours and the growing belly gets in the way between me and my  tablet more with each day).
So if anyone would consider supporting me on Patreon or by a one-time  ko-fi donation, now is a really difficult time. Every penny counts, as  we need to gather as much funds as possible, before I need to become a  fulltime mom for a period of time. And one of the hardships of a  freelance artist's life is that, sadly I don't get paid when I'm not  working.
So if you find it in your heart to want to help us buy a crib, a  stroller, his first PJ and some toys... We will be eternally greatful :) 



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