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I heard you liked heavy heavyweights!

Ithaca is the first of our former Combat Leads to show off her sheet, having acquired plenty of experience on her travels from Spain and in 512 Bravo!! She is a natural at combat, and her aptitude only increased via Griffin's Combat Mods, but Isabelly is a big softie at heart. She has a love for the finer things in life ("Víveres, Vino, and Mujeres~"), and while current position amongst the conspiracy has given her plenty of the first two... it's only made her hunger for the third~

Breaking free from The Suppression has a way of making a girl quite body conscious. Not everyone is as comfy in their skin as Mosin, after all! However, through her CL enhancements, Ithaca is almost always aware of her growing immensity... and whole most girls struggle, Ithaca huffs and puffs and lusts after every new pound! 


As mentioned, these Op Sheets will be listed as XX as I assemble the rest of the booklet, but once everything is set then I'll be inserting the page number in its proper placement!

The Present Artwork is done by frequent collaborator, Better-With-Salt! There is a standard and a transparent version available as well!!



A direct opposite to Welrod, Ithaca's Spanish pride would claim she has nothing to hide!!... Even as she scribbles out some of the 'innecesario' details... 



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