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Happy Thanksgiving, folks! I hope you all had a wonderful turkey day, and that each of you had a chance to stuff yourselves full! Which, speaking of stuffings... 

This month's themed literature will be STUFFED! Post story prompts of girls going way overboard, pushing themselves to clean off their plates and clean off the last of their platters. A rosy-cheeked Princess pushing herself through a full-dozen doughnuts, a big blonde brat wanting a whole cake to herself, or a wicked school president tackling her competition to the ground and feeding her until she can't even move.

As with the previous months, suggestions that are a continuation of an ongoing series will also be accepted, on top of those for the themed prompt! If you have a particular series you'd like to see boosted up my writing list, you can now throw it in with the themed posts!

Post your suggestions / prompts down in the comments below. These will then be voted by those in the $5 tier in a poll that will take place in a few days time.

Suggestions will be accepted until Monday, November 29th, and the poll will be posted then.

As always, thanks for reading!



How about a Kid Icarus themed prompt where an up-and-coming Harvest God tries to overthrow Palutena? Pit tries to fight off the cornucopia of troops, but some of them break through and overpower her!


Something with Itsuki going full monster mode on a Christmas feast would be pretty cool


Christmas edition of Sensational She-Hulk where she has to save Christmas and deliver presents like Santa but she’s told she has to take up the role literally


How about an already chunky Artemis gets a bit too over her head when Zatanna asks her to taste test her cooking. Who knew magic food could be so filling?


Hmmmmmmm.... well, I suppose... a what if where Centorea gets to try Thanksgiving... and ends up getting lost in the festivities as it were. Whether this is still somehow happening in Japan, or in some AU where she's in the US, I'll leave to you.


You know, with how often Monster Musume is brought up I can't help but notice the MON squad remains conspicuously absent. On that note I'd like to put forth the following: Manako and Tionishia are assigned a mission to covertly monitor a suspected monster gang. After doing nothing but sit and stare at cameras for weeks while being stuck in the same room as someone with an ogre's idea of portion control, Manako questions if balancing a rifle against your belly is proper gun safety.