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Evening, all! 

As many of you know, I've spent the last few weeks working directly with folks who'd submitted stories for The Quintessential Writing Contest! The whole point of the contest was to promote new stories for these characters we love, as well as introducing new or upcoming writers with professional reviews! As always, the review process has taken a hot minute, but we've got a couple that we'll be able to feature for you folks starting tonight!

Each entry will have the writer's name featured in the title, as well as links to their profiles at the top of the story. As I stated earlier, I've done a lot of work on each of these myself for edits and rewrites, but even if you can pick up my writing style in some bits or sections sections, these stories fully belong to their respective writers! They deserve the full credit, and each has put in a bunch of work!

We're still not ready to announce the winners, but hey, maybe you folks can give me a hand with that by leaving comments for the writers and letting us know your thoughts on their stories! I know that they'd absolutely love getting your feedback, and you can let us know which fics are your favorites!

Stories will be tagged as part of the Quintessential Contest! Some of these stories are very long, with some entrants even trying to go for multi-chapter segments, but for the most part I'll be uploading them as unbroken one-shots!

As always, thanks for reading!


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