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It's been a long time coming, but one of our biggest Patrons' Prompt projects is finally wrapped up for now!

Chapters 1 - 11 of Growing Soft, and while the story is still growing and growing, it's a wonderful pleasure to finally be able to feature this extensive project! My plan is to update all of the past stories over the coming weeks, posting the title car at the top with the chapter's chibi artwork just below, as a little chapter tease.

As the story does continue, I hope that you folks will be excited for more future chapter artworks like this.

For those who'd like to re-read the series, you can follow the Patreon link to see all posts tagged with 'Growing Soft' here on this page, or the DA link to the publicly available chapters!



And, if you haven't already, go check out Better-With-Salt, the artist who did each of these pieces! Seriously, the absolute range of this guy is just super impressive, make sure to watch him for more! https://www.patreon.com/bws/posts

Which chapter is your favorite? Which artwork? Let us know in the comments below and, as always, thanks for reading!




Goddamn these are adorable :3