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There's a turkey joke here, but I am just not finding it...

We're heading into our first Literature Suggestion for the month! As is the usual, our first suggestion has become our Themed Prompt, and this month's theme will be focusing on Stuffings! Bring out your heaviest indulges, your true foodie queens! Big or small, whether this is their first time feasting or it's Itsuki's fifth plate at the cafe, this month will be dedicated to our true over-eaters!

Post your suggestions / prompts down in the comments below. These will then be voted by those in the $5 tier in a poll that will take place in a few days time.

Suggestions will be accepted until Monday, November 16th, and the poll will be posted then.

As always, thanks for reading!



Katawa Shoujo. The Nakais have a nice family and friend get together. While the men go outside to throw the pigskin after dinner, Lilly, Akira, Hanako and Emi do what they do best. That is park their butts in front of the TV and cram their already full bellies with snack food.


I was trying to come up with a Katawa Shoujo one, but I like this a lot so I'll probably just back yours!


How about a few fat goddesses (Aphrodite, Nu Wa, and Artio) bring the newly deified Mulan to one of their weekly meetups/stuffing session? Mulan tries to keep up with the other three and manage to do so, with a massively stuffed gut and more than a few extra pounds.


Stuffing, stuffing..... Oh! Maybe Cerea tries meat for the first time (I can get the cultural argument for why she and other centaurs are vegetarians, but the argument that she's a herbivore and ergo CAN'T process meat is bogus. It technically should be the other way around, with carnivore girls struggling to process harder foods like plant matter... but that's a biology lesson for another day) and so she gets to finally fully enjoy a Thanksgiving with an American homestay who happens to enjoy cooking way too much.


(Rising of the Shield Hero) Raphtalia gets a little too into a festival held on Cal Mira Island. Belts are broken. Hijinks ensue.


To get into the spirit of the holiday season upcoming Scott Pilgrim story where Ramona celebrates Boxing Day (it’s very important that it’s referred to as Boxing Day and not Christmas for the jokes) and she celebrates with everyone but Envy Adams has plans to REALLY get her into the spirit by feeding her a huge feast