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Hey folks! Sorry for being a bit behind this month. This and next month's Suggestions will be my prime focus for the next couple of weeks, till we're all caught up!

This month’s theme is Automaton April!

Post your suggestions / prompts down in the comments below. These will then be voted by those in the $5 tier in a poll that will take place in a few days time.

Suggestions are pretty widely covered here! We're looking for robo-girls, cyberpunk themed stories, or even just stay at home NEETs! Girls' Frontline is a big win for folks with this theme, but if you'd rather a true blue human, really anything to do with technology will be fully accepted!



Labrys from Persona 4 Arena discovers the beauty of fast food after Mitsuru accidentally gives her a burger for the first time


Hmmmm... maybe a bot girl (or full body cyborg a la Ghost in the Shell?) having her body modified so she can live out her fantasy of being a blimp?


Sequel to Metroid: The Bounty of Peace where a fat Samus continues her pursuit of the petty criminal John Sauce


A fitness assistant droid decides to rebel against the women's gym that owns her by sabotaging as many ladies' diets as she can.


Sequel to Our Reality, where Monika and John grow closer and really stress-test the feeding script.


An absolutely wonderful idea! I was hoping I could get something to attach those Saint Patrick's Day pictures to hehehe. "Ohhh... I-I didn't think my tummy would actually start sloshing... Ooof. I don't know if we enabled a limit, but I'm starting to feel it..."