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Here's the monthly suggestions prompt for artwork that will come next month!

Suggest any story related artwork that you would like to see provided down below! The artwork can be for a story that's never received art, or it can be something that has been depicted before but with a new twist! 

This suggestion will be for a single character pieces, and the artist will be an associate of mine, RamenWarwok. You can check out his artwork over on Twitter!


And I've also attached some references of ones he has done for me in the past.

As usual, the conditions are

* One suggestion per user

* Single character suggestions

* Must be related to story content in some way



Miia straining a shirt while eating chocolate cake


Mmmm... mayhaps berry Lilly from the tour series (one of the mine chapters) trying to drink as much chocolate as possible? Or her floating in said chocolate?


Miku looking embarrassed after her costume is discovered. Basically how she looks the moment after her wig has been taken off but before Nino has told her she is pregnant.