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Rai Kato couldn’t see. She opened her eyes, expecting something, anything, but received nothing. Not even darkness was visible to her. She reached up to her face, feeling for some sort of blindfold, but found nothing of the sort. Her hands groped her face fruitlessly as she felt her bangs and then the skin of her eyes, and it finally dawned upon her that she was blind. 

She wasn’t scared. She knew she should be panicking, but she wasn’t. She simply stood, her head twisting back and forth in an effort to see, to look around, but to no avail. She huffed, tucking her arms to her chest more out of frustration than anything else. “Well now what am I supposed to do?” she says in a light deeper voice that wasn’t her own. She put her hand to her throat, and feelt her long fingers wrap around it… but Rai doesn’t have long fingers. Her skin feels different… it feels almost soft…

“Hello?” She says, her voice still different. She touches her face, and starts to notice differences that she hadn’t before. Her cheeks were a bit chubbier than usual, and her bangs never fell into her face this way… She tugs her hair, and it flows with her hand. It’s long, way too long, and the picture of her starts to form as she starts grabbing at her own body. Her breasts are massive, her belly even more so, and she knows beyond a doubt whose body this is. She isn’t grabbing at her own body. She’s grabbing at Lilly’s.

A smell suddenly spreads through the air, followed by the sounds of clattering and voices. An arm wraps around her waist, pulling her closer to its owner as the head cupped her stomach.

“So, what are we making today?” asked a masculine voice.

Another feeling, her left arm being grabbed and pulled downwards. “Mrs. Nakai, Mrs. Nakai! You’ve gotta try this!” said a young excited boy.

“What are- hey let go! I’m not-”


Rai’s eyes flew open as she awoke. They were met with darkness with the only light coming from her blaring alarm clock. The blue light of the numbers seemed especially bright as Rai groaned, her hand thumping onto the reset button, and the alarm quieted and would remain so until tomorrow. 

She lay in bed, sleepily looking up towards the ceiling. It took her a moment to find that her hands were exploring her own body, much thinner and skinnier than her dream body had felt. She rolled her eyes, and stood from the bed. She shivered in her underwear, a black bra and matching panties. She gripped her shoulders and shivered. She’d need to start wearing pajamas soon. Slowly, she looked down at herself to notice that she was a bit… thicker, than she remembered being. Her thighs had always been strings that connected her body to her lower legs, but they seemed more filled out as of late. She sighed, knowing she shouldn’t think about Lilly, but who else could be such an influence on her. All the same, it’s not like it mattered to her. 

Hey, maybe her pants would actually fit better instead of needing to be belted at the furthest loop. The short red haired girl explored her room, a mess of clothing had accumulated on the floor over the week, and she knew she’d need to get that taken care of before her sister Pika came in tomorrow morning. 

Her sister’s full name was Mikasa, but Rai’s friends had taken to calling her Pikasa when they were younger due to her love of Pokémon and the nickname had stuck, though the ‘sa’ was left behind. One of Rai’s friends in high school had pointed out that she was the Raichu of the family, and he’d promptly been threatened into silence. 

Pika, though, loved her nickname, and she ran wild with it. She’d loved it so much that she had gotten in trouble a year back when she’d put it down on her Standardized Test. Rai smirked at the memory of her mother scolding her for not taking her future seriously enough, and Pika had replied that, to be fair, she took nothing seriously.

“I hope she’s okay with sharing a bed like old times…” Rai said, rubbing the back of her head. She’d have to clean up the place, but her apartment was small even in terms of a single student-teacher. She was paid, sure, but not a full salary. The little bit of extra that Kimura had told her she’d be receiving was sure to help, but all the same… 

She got dressed, black dress pants and a neutral red dress shirt, something she had plenty of. She was right earlier. She still needed the belt, but the pants actually seemed to fit better around her legs. She smiled as she buttoned up the shirt as well, feeling that her formerly flat chest seemed to have a bit more of a curve to it. ‘Mom always said I was bound to fill out someday.’ She thought happily. 

She walked across the hall to the kitchen and poured herself a bowl of cereal and flipped on the small TV set she used. There was a news channel on, something about a newly opened store under investigation. The store’s name scrolled across the screen, ‘Obama’s Fried Chicken.’ 

Rai flipped the channel. Commercial, commercial, news, commercial… There is just nothing good on this early. It was only ever news this early on, followed by infomercials and nothing good on until the afternoon. ‘I wonder if there’s a method to this madness…’ Rai wondered as she finished her cereal. She dumped the bowl into her sink, flicked off the TV, and headed out the door.

She locked the door to her two room apartment behind her as she did, trying to think of something her and Pika could do over the weekend. She thought of asking Lilly later if she had any plans, maybe her and Hisao could help her show her sister a good time. 

She waved to her landlord, who was watering her flower basket that hung from the ceiling. Even in a town this sized, Rai could hear the city starting to wake up as cars dove down the street towards their destinations. Rai supposed she could take the train to work, but there was just something to owning and driving your own vehicle. The road beneath your fingers as you gripped the wheel, it was a sense of pleasure and fun. ‘Plus,’ she thought as she sat down on her phone book and reached into her glove box, ‘there’s nobody to tell me my music is too loud.’

Rai bobbed her head up and down as the opening guitar rift to ‘Bleed it Out’ by Linkin Park started blasting from her speakers, and she smiled.


Twenty minutes later, she pulled into the teacher’s lot at school. She hung the hanger on her review mirror to tell she was allowed to park there and exited the vehicle. She walked past the school track, and found herself looking over to it as a voice penetrated the silent atmosphere.

At the bottom of the hill, on the running track at the starting line, stood Hisao Nakai holding a stop watch. He barked a command in some odd tongue. Rai thought she’d simply misheard him. Running on the track was a taller boy who was throwing himself forward looking like a horse about to collapse. He sprinted around the turn, sweat gleaming off of his shaved head in the morning sun. A spectator standing by Hisao at the fence cheered him on, a bearded man that Rai didn’t recognize. “Come on Victor! You’re almost there!” he called.

The boy rushed through the finish, and Hisao empathically pressed down on the stop switch, making a show of it. Rai could see his smile from where she stood, as he and the other man walked over to the panting boy and clapped him on the back. The boy’s arms shot up into the air when Hisao told him something, after which his legs promptly crumbled, and he sank to the ground.

Rai laughed at the sight and walked on, heading towards the break room. She walked past the flower beds at the front of the school, waving to a gardener that greeted her as a teacher.

She entered the building as students started coming in to get ready for their first period classes. Rai couldn’t help but think of how weird their school seemed compared to when she was this age. The student’s first class was an elective, then they’d go to their 2nd class until lunch, after which they’d come back to that class for another period, then they would go to their final class that covered the other subjects in base forms and be done for the day. When she started here, she was told that this was in an effort to create specialty classes in which the teachers would be able to be relied upon to help their students and act as “their main teacher” who they’d come to with any issues. This was all in an effort to have students become more expert in their fields that they wanted to be in. It’s probably why Lilly’s students were so excited about the play, some of them may want to go on to work in the field of productions. Rai was still hoping that a History position would open up, something better than the “Languages” course she was suggested, or the “English” course she was in. 

She loved history, was fascinated by it, and wanted so deeply to teach it. All in good time, though. Another few years, and she was sure she’d find something. 

One of the students, a girl with black hair cut into a bowl cut, approached her. Rai noticed though that the girl wasn’t wearing the standard uniform, instead wearing a black jacket over a white t-shirt with pink shorts. On the jacket was a silver emblem of a cross. “Are you a teacher?” She asked, no doubt noting Rai wore a separate clothing line than the widespread use of the uniform.

“Student-teacher, yes. Can I help you?” The girl must have been one of the upper classmen, standing practically eye level with Rai.

“Can you help me find a Mr. Nakai?” The girl asked. “I’m visiting from St. Mary’s, and was asked to give him a message.” 

“Oh, sure. His room is… hmm.” Rai thought for a moment, trying to remember where the science wing was. Upon remembering, she led the girl to the 2nd floor and down the corridor, searching for the door labeled “Nakai, Hisao”. They passed by the empty “Science chair” room along the way, until they reached Hisao’s room two doors down. A few students were already inside the room, lounging and unpacking, though Hisao had not yet come. Rai instructed the girl that he’d be here soon, and said she’d wait with her. Sure enough, Hisao came strolling down the hall after ten minutes, and Rai waved to the man who looked at them curiously.

“Good morning girls. Something I can do for you?”

The girl from St. Mary’s held out a scrap of paper. “I was asked to bring this to you. I must be going, as I may be late for class if I do not run.”

Hisao took the paper from her and the girl ran off, not even leaving her name with them. Hisao looked at Rai, eye cocked, who just shrugged. He flipped the paper over and read it aloud.

“I hope that your track team puts up more of a fight than you did. -E.I.”

“Oh no…” Hisao groaned. Before Rai could ask what was the matter, the bell rung. He stretched his neck, cocking it side to side, and put on a half-hearted smile. “See you for lunch?” he asked.

“Yea…” Rai said. She wanted to ask him what that was about, but if he didn’t say… He smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you later.” He said, and with a wave, disappeared into the room.

Rai walked back down the hall as students hurried to their classes. She decided to take the stairs down, and walked over to the break room from there. 

In the breakroom, she mulled over the morning as she made a cup of tea. She really needed to get her own set, as the schools tea leaves tasted sour and old. They probably were, given she’s the only one she’s ever seen use them regularly. Most teachers either came in after first period started, or stayed in their rooms until their own classes began.

Rai left the door open, brewing enough tea for her and her assumed guest, and it wasn’t long before she heard the familiar tapping of the cane coming down the silent hall.

“Rai?” came the light voice, as Lilly approached the entrance of the door. 

“Come on in, Lilly. I made you tea.”

“Oh, Rai, that sounds wonderful. Thank you.” Lilly said. She entered the room, her fingers wrapping around the door. Her cane found the chair and she sat down across from Rai. She wore a blue dress, which seemed like something aristocratic. She wore her hair differently than she usually did. It was much wavier, like she took a lot of time straightening it rather than just bowing it as usual. Her face was positively glowing, though, as she seemed remarkably happy. “I like the dress.” Rai said as she poured the tea.

“Thank you!” Lilly said excitedly. “I wanted to wear something that’d go along with the play for the day. It’s Friday, after all.”

“Usually that means more casual.” Rai said with a laugh. “You look as if you’re about to go to the ball. Where’d you get the dress?”

“My parents sent it to me a while back, as a birthday present. It didn’t fit then, the measurements were a bit off, though it fits much better now!” The corset of the dress tucked in her waist, making it appear thinner, whist her the dress was cut just above her cleavage and showed her neck line fit snugly.

‘What kind of parents don’t know what their daughter’s size is?’ Rai wondered.

“Hisao told me it looked regal, and given that it’ll be for Shakespeare… How does my hair look? It’s not too much, is it? It’s gotten so long…”

“I think it looks really nice. A bit of a mix up from the standard age, they had their hair done up in elaborate buns and things, but it really compliments you.”

Lilly pouted slightly. “I tried to do one of those myself this morning… I couldn’t figure it out. Gosh its times like that where sight would be so easy to just watch a video on a computer of how to do it.”

“I actually know how. My sister always loved her hair super long, so we would do fancy things like that. Want me to do yours?”

Lilly’s face lit up, though dampened only a moment later. “I would absolutely love that, but I don’t have anything to hold it…”

Rai thought for a moment, and stood. She went to a drawer and pulled it open. “Aha, we can use these.” She said. She ripped open the bag and broke the chopsticks into two. “A little West meets East look.”

Lilly sat still in the chair as Rai set to work. She tied her hair round the chopsticks, round and round as the lengthy hair wrapped. It slipped a few times, Rai was out of practice and Lilly’s hair fell past the chair as she sat, but Rai did it over and pulled it up. As she worked, she told Lilly about how she’d seen Hisao this morning, and the note from the person, E.I. Lilly seemed bothered that he didn’t tell Rai anything. She was likely upset that someone was taking a shot at her husband, Rai figured. She assured Rai that she’d get an answer out of him during lunch. Eventually, after nearly a half hour, she finally finished. The lengths of hair were pulled back and up, tucking around the sticks so that they were practically invisible. Rai stood in front of Lilly, admiring the look. “Hmmmm… it’s missing something… wait right here.”

Rai hurried out front of the school and returned after a few minutes. Lilly sat in the chair, still drinking from her cup of tea.

“Okay, got it!”

Lilly hummed curiously as Rai approached, placing a blue flower that she picked from the front of the school into the woman’s hair. She’d been relieved when the gardener hadn’t been there, as this had been from the bed he’d been tending.

“There, it looks perfect!” Rai said, happy with her work.

Lilly’s hands explored her hair, the curls that Rai had woven into the back, and the flower.

“Thank you Rai. It must look really nice.”

“A whole different take on casual Friday.” Rai said with a laugh. “Aw, now I wish I dressed up. I look like a dude.”

Lilly giggled, and the end of the first period bell rang. The two woman quickly downed their drinks before heading up to collect Benjamin, and finally they went to class.


Class came, class went. As the students walked out the door, they filed their ballots with Ichigo, who volunteered to count them over the lunch period. Rai had gone down to the cafeteria to meet with Hisao and grab herself some food, whilst Lilly went ahead to the room. Rai enthusiastically grabbed a load of sushi onto her plate, being sure to get plenty of sauce with it. She loved the raw fish, and that the school saw fit to provide it to the students excited her.

Hisao had been about to grab pasta when Rai had asked him about the dinner date with Lilly at the Italian place, to which he replied “Oh shit,” then covered his mouth as a nearby student snickered at him. Instead, he also took a plate full of sushi up to share with Lilly, grabbing a dish of different sauces for the pair. They sat down upstairs as Lilly finished making the group fresh hot tea using one of the classrooms burners.

Hisao complemented his wife’s dress and they shared in idle conversation over the vote and classes, before Lilly cracked the egg that Rai’d been waiting for.

“So, it seems the competition is trying to get to you before tomorrow.” Lilly said.

Hisao looked confused for a moment before laughing and looking at Rai, who shrugged.

“Yea, it looks like an old ghost still lingers around. Go figure, right?”

“I figured as much as well. She shouldn’t insult you like that though.” Lilly said, chastising E.I.

“She probably sees it more as challenging me.” Hisao replied, ever the mediator.

“Even so, that doesn’t excuse being rude. I’d have thought she’d be married by now as well, you don’t think she lucked into the same initials do you?”

“Umm, excuse me? Little lost here…” Rai interjected.

Both Hisao and Lilly looked at her like they’d forgotten she was there before both laughing. “An old friend.” Hisao said.

“‘Friend.’” Lilly repeated, with obvious air quotes.

“Yes, friend.” Hisao says again, looking at her cockeyed. “Emi Ibarazaki. She was the top of the track team at our High School, and it’s apparently followed her. Never thought we’d see her again.” Hisao then cringed at his usage of ‘see’ and Lilly scowled slightly.

“I don’t like her thinking you quit. You didn’t quit.” Lilly said firmly.

“Well, I can show her that tomorrow when the guys beat the heck out of whatever runners she’s got.”

Lilly nodded her head and went back to eating her sushi, although she seemed to aggressively attack the food. Hisao, seeming to take the hint, chose wisely to not try to grab any more.

Lunch ended a bit more awkwardly than it had started. Hisao and Lilly tried their best to make it seem like nothing had happened, though that was just the issue. They were trying.

“You know, Rai, you said your sister was coming in tomorrow correct?” Lilly asked

“Uhh… yea?”

“You should come to the track tomorrow for the meet, and bring her along!”

“Oh, I don’t know about that…” Rai replied.

“Oh, you must. We insist, right Hisao? Plus, you’ll give me some company while Hisao and the team wipe the track with that little…” she said, slowly starting to growl.

“Um… okay… sure.” Rai said, a bit put off by the mood switch. 

Hisao rolled his eyes and nodded. “Thank you Rai. I’ll see you tomorrow then. And honey?” 

“Hmm?” Lilly asked.

“Remember, we’re going out tonight, right? To La Scarola?

Lilly looked confused for a moment before her face lit up. “Oh! Oh! Yes, I had nearly forgotten. Oh my, Rai thank you so much, I was meaning to ask you for help with my hair and you’ve already done such a wonderful job. And the dress…” Lilly smiled excitedly and pulled her husband to her, kissing him deeply. “I love you.” She said. “Sorry, I just don’t like anyone picking on you like that… especially yourself. Not allowed.”

Hisao laughed, a genuine chuckle, and his calm grin replaced his forced one. “Yea, I know. Sorry. I love you too, Angel.” They hugged there, as Rai stood off to the side trying to not be awkward and while also trying to not bawah at them for getting through being tense.

‘I guess that’s what marriage is…’ she thought to herself. She thought it was funny that it was brought on by going out to eat, but it was likely more that they’ll have the evening together to spend with one another than the food that turned their moods.

Lilly and Hisao separated, and walked their separate ways. Lilly, with Rai in tow, seemed very happy with how lunch had turned out. She had a bit of pep to her step as they walked back to the classroom.

A funnel of students came around from their respective rooms to get to their classes. Rai took Lilly’s arm to allow the students ahead of them to class, though Lilly hardly seemed to have noticed. 

The students poured in, talking excitedly about the vote for the play. The girl, Rika, had chosen to wear a blue dress herself, her uniform unbuttoned to show it off, though it was a pretty simple fabric. No doubt she expected to be Juliet, though with the way she looked Lilly and Rai up and down, scoffing as she passed, made Rai really hopeful that the class chose someone, anyone, else.

“Ms. Kato?” asked a voice behind her. 

Rai turned to find Benjamin standing at her side. The young boy was looking at her with red eyes, magnified by his thick glasses. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Ben? Are you okay?”

“I… I don’t think I should be Romeo. I couldn’t sleep last night. Rika scares me…”

Rai tilted her head, bending down slightly.

“She scares you? Did she say something to you?”

Rai looked over at Lilly, who cocked her head towards them. Benjamin noticed, and his cheeks turned red. “N-no. No. She didn’t I just… I can’t read very well.”

“Oh, Benjamin…” Lilly said. She placed her hand on the boys shoulder. “You don’t need to worry about anything like that. It’s all memorization and practicing. But if you don’t want to do it, then I won’t make you. Are you sure?”

Benjamin hesitated, looking nervous, then he nodded. Then he noticed he was nodding. “Y-yeah… I don’t really want to…”

“Okay.” Lilly said. “I’ll stop Mr. Amateru on his way in, and we’ll make sure that the vote goes to whoever received 2nd place. You’re sure you want this?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. I just… I get scared… I guess.”

Lilly looked a bit disappointed, but she affirmed and reassured the boy he wouldn’t need to if he didn’t want to. He looked much relieved after that point, smiled and thanked the two women, and went inside. Rai and Lilly stood there, greeting the rest of the students. “What if he didn’t win anyways?” Rai asked.

“He was the only one to try. It’s better to let him think he did anyways. He’d be crushed if he was the only one to try for a part and didn’t receive it.”

Rai saw the logic in that. It wasn’t long until Ichigo came up, the class start bell ringing just as he arrived.

“Okay, I’ve got all the ballots counted and re-counted. Do you want me to present that right away, or to wait?” He said. He gave a large grin to Rai… there was something in that that made her uncomfortable?

“We’ll start with it. On the part of Romeo, Benjamin doesn’t want the part, so please give the part to whoever the class elected.”

“Oh, well, sure okay. They won on the class ballot anyways. We had two write-in victories, actually.”

Lilly nodded, turned, and entered the room. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Rai asked Ichigo, whose smug face was tucked in.

“Me? Ohh, no reason.”

“Okay class, the votes are counted. Mr. Amateru will be presenting who will be playing what parts. Remember, there’s, a lot of people in this play, so some of you may receive more than one part. Mr. Amateru?”

“Sure thing, Mrs. Nakai.” Ichigo placed the ballot box on the front desk. He picked up a piece of paper that was on top of the box, upon which he must have scrawled the positions in red ink. “How about we start with the main characters?” he asked the class. Rai found herself looking at Rika, felt herself glare as the girl snickered with her friend towards Benjamin, who’d put his head on his desk.

“The part of Romeo, due to some unforeseen circumstances, will go to the student elected, Rai Kato.”

Rai felt her head whip around so fast that her hair caught her in her face. She looked towards Ichigo with shock as a few students openly laughed at the display, and the man chuckled at her slack-jawed look at him. She tighten her mouth and pursed her lip. “Oh, come on. I can’t actually really be it.”

“That’s who the student’s elected.” Ichigo shrugged. Rai looked at the kids, a pair of who were high fiving, and even Benjamin looked amused.

“I suppose if the students elected her, then it’s only fair.” Spoke Lilly. 

Rai whipped around to look at her. “Awwww noooo…” she pouted fruitlessly against the older woman, who simply smiled and giggled.

“Well, class leader, I am glad you agree.” Ichigo said, flourishing the paper, still smirking. “The part of Juliet, due to overwhelming class elective votes, goes to Lilly Satou.”

A moment of stunned silence was suddenly met with cheers. Three voices cried foul, but were overwhelmed by the rest of the classes’ excitement. Lilly’s face masked Rai’s shock at the announcement. The two woman groaned, and Rai was sure they were thinking the same thing.

‘God dammit… I’m going to have to kiss her.’


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