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Since Patreon’s polls aren’t currently operating correctly, I figured we can just open up one of the public votes for now!

Since Power Hungry: Princess Saki is currently wrapping up, which Princess would you folks like to see next? The options are listed here, but leave your comments and reasoning down below!

  • Akira
  • Rin
  • Rika
  • Suzu
  • Miki
  • Shizune



Shizune would probably be better for the story, since she would provide some conflict with Lilly. I don't like her character that much, but would be interested in how she affects the story. Rika would be nice since she isn't written about as much as any of the other girls, and I would be interested in how her condition and increased weight would interact. I would be happy with either, though I honestly don't have a strong opinion, and would be fine with anyone.


Thank you for your votes and notes! But don’t be worried about “for the story” lol I already have all of these planned out. I might have to delay for Shizune though because I was planning honestly for hers to be towards the back end of the pack lol. I’ll talk with my cohorts about it


None of the above, since I'll just write-in Misha. She's Best Fat Girl.


Hmmmm... gonna vote for Miki for no particular reason. I know Shizune would move the plot forward... but I never did complete her route, so...


Heh I mean everybody’s gotta get on the board before the plot truest begins anyways :P