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hey! i hope you are havin' a cozy little christmas. i'll just do a wee update post here on what i'm up to and some recap

firstly, obviously i'm still working away on the next ep of Punch Punch Forever!  
right now i'm in the middle of the linework stage, which is kind of the ugly duckling stage since it's just pure linework with no colors and no transparency so everything looks like this:

i think i mentioned in a previous update, but this ep is roughly 10 minutes (excluding the opening, credits, etc) so its still a while off. its probably going to be the longest episode.. at least i pray, i really don't want to let this become one of those series where every episode gets progressively  longer and longer (and PPF is stupid enough at this runtime, any longer and it might give the viewer an aneurysm) .

at this point i think i'll share a little more about the episode, "spoilers" ahead ofc:
the primary antagonists are Geison and his daughter Geiko! she should be a more even match for Gogo.. or will she be????? the answer is probably not otherwise Gogo would lose and the show would be over - *gulp!* i mean.. erm.. did i type that out loud??? her VA is so good, i think people will like them!

the outhouse ref is there for another animator i sent this to but you can pretend the outhouse is a pivotal character in the episode if you want. he has a high power ranking.

i also made just a cozy little music playlist for you to check out if you like 80s/90s jpop/citypop/game music and the like. i listen to this sorts of stuff when i'm making PPF art/animation to get the juices flowing, and i picked some of my fav songs that were on youtube, check it out if you'd like. 100% comfiness guaranteed!!


i'm also planning on finally doing some Punch Punch Forever merch too! sometime after episode 2 drops, we'll have a little bundle of stuff to pick from. still brainstorming what exactly i'd like to do for it, but Gogo w. Coolfrog plush and Nono w. ICONIC Snepis cup plush are planned, as well as the usual stickers, pins, maybe shirt or poster. maybe other merch that could play into the "retro" aesthetic of the series. i'll see what else we come up with!

in case you missed it earlier in the year, i also posted a whole other cartoon based on Marvel Vs Capcom. its currently still patreon exclusive!


its for an upcoming Dreamcast Newgrounds collab, should be out early next year i hope heh!!

i'll try and post another drawing or two before the year ends, but if i dont see ya, happy christmas and happy new year too!!! 

Clip studio project file for this PPF Xmas animation here:

- Access the 2023 mega folder containing all the files/project files/etc i've posted so far this year!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/81021324




the link for the music playlist doesn't work 😔 and thanks for everything this year speedo! 🙏

Sam BanZ

Love supporting all you do man. Merry Christmas 🎄

Autistiq Penguin

Nice, thanks for making content that makes me laugh and happy


Why is Gogos mom on fire?


Oooh this is gonna be so good!! Thanks for sharing the process I bet Ep.2 is gonna come out amazing!!