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If you missed the early release a couple days ago, well its here now!

WATCH: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/840746 

DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/file/i2RD1JLS#gf1Ymj1pfH-13WrZfn7agAeQV6SmjxkOeqw7kZebV_I

Thanks again everybody for supporting me and letting me spend the time it took to bring this rat-dang thing together. I think I officially started on this around September 2020, but it was the project I would repeatedly put on the backburner to allow other things to take priority, like the God Save The Music and other Ujico music videos. I didn't work on this video for months at a time in fact! I'd say if I had just exclusively focused on it, it could have been done in about 8 or 9 months, but as it is, here we are over a year and a half later.
There was often a feeling of "what am I doing spending this much time on a coom cartoon and an original one at that with no recognisable characters to get as much interest..." I've been very passionate about the project though, but I couldn't help that feeling cropping into my head from time to time. But I've always liked animated NSFW so it was natural I was going to make a "full" (if 9 minutes counts as "full", it does to mee) eventually. And now this is actually the single longest video I've made period, on Youtube or otherwise. I'm proud of that! 

I hope you liked it! If the coom value didn't meet your expectations, then I hoped there was some other quality like the visuals or character designs or comedic aspects or anything that did. I'll be returning to smaller projects again now. I'm not entirely sure if I will make a longer NSFW video like this again though, it's hard to predict if I will at the moment, I suppose I'll just have to see how this one does, or if I get another idea, but right now I don't really have plans to. That being said there's some leftover ideas I had in earlier drafts for this video I'd still like to do some day, I might repurpose them for something else, or if people REALLY like it then maybe for Lithica 2: Back 2 Da Hood.

and shoutouts to the ppl that helped me with the video! They all did a great job, especially Bordeaux and Leo in the lead VA roles, i thought that'd be make or break would be good deliveries for the horny as well as non-horny comedic lines but they knocked it out of the park. 


Lithica the Succubus' voiced by BordeauxBlack
Viktor the Great and old man voiced by Leo Greystone
Girl 1 and Girl 2 voiced by Pixiewillow
Girl 3 voiced by LadyLustria
Girl 4 voiced by Hazelhorns
Night patrol guard voiced by  PyrePrinceVA

Music composed by  dChocoa
Additional composition work by Whole Bean Sugah Cream

Background art by GigiD
Additional background art by me

Sound design by  VolkorNSFW
Minor additional sound design work by me

Supported by YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




why not mp4?


hello, the mega link has you download some kind of file instead of a video. How do I use this file?