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votin' time. please vote for the character you would most like to see an animated loop of! i will do a still image of the second highest voted character too.



So many good choices, but the current MK mood made me choose Mileena :P


2b is an option so RIP this poll lmao


There’s so much 2B content. Let’s try for something different!


To be honest, this poll would be more fair without Tifa and 2B. I like them but it kinda ruin the thing


tifa and 2b have too much nsfw stuff already. let's get something new!


damn, i guess i had underestimated her popularity in relation to some of the other characters. i really try to avoid having "that one character that was guaranteed to win the poll". i'll try to get more second opinions from people before making polls live in the future going forward to ensure this doesn't happen anymore.


that being said, don't feel guilty if you vote for 2B! i just want to make these as fair and equal as i can. i'll try and also make art of the 3rd highest voted (maybe even 4th too if i've harnessed enough horny)


there are def certain characters that autowin polls ye. tricky to make sometimes no worries. either way, no matter which character is chosen you'll create some good ass shit and i cannot wait.