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Dear Patrons, friends and watchers, welcome to the last remnants of summer. It's not an ordinary summer for us, because a lot is happening behind the scenes of BK:SNF and all other things concerning Dreamrifle and its future!

This here workshop, what we also call our home, is not going to be it anymore. After 15 years of living here (Long before Dreamrifle's creation), it is time for me and SashimiPop to move out and we'll be living together somewhere else. Our last hiatus period consisted of seeking out a new home and around september/october, we're going to declare another period of pause for a month. To be precise: September 18th - October 18th we'll be re-settling, linking up, carrying our business over etc. until we can all meet together again and continue our presentation for you generous souls!~

Our current work on Banjo-Kazooie: Scarred 'N Feathered will resume after that impromptu working vacation. But on a brighter note, here's our plans for the near future once we've re-established our lives:

- BK:SNF will resume with Page 15 Sketch around October 15th-18th

- You have voted for the publication of Digimon Adventure: All The Time in the DigiWorld, and we'll make it available to the public on October 25th 2023, one year after its completion and Patron restriction.

- You also have voted for a plethora of Beta Characters in NSFW variant as our next hiatus project. Rest assured, I'll be drawing and sketching whenever there's time and upload it here once we're back in business. Here's an example of last time's Sketch Compilation to give you an idea:

- The High Tier Patrons (Premium Patronage and Mother Load) will receive a special BK:SNF themed collection of drawings. It's also NSFW and I've promised it from the very beginning~

- As it is tradition, we remind our Patrons once again that you can pause or halt your support altogether during the hiatus period. We appreciate any kind of support, no matter how small, and absolutely understand when you want to spend your money wisely. Remember that you can always come back and you're welcome here, be it as a watcher or a Patron!~

My dear Patrons, friends and watchers, this is one of the biggest RL chapters of our own. Just like the bear and bird, we try to clear up our past and move on. Once all the formalities and moving expeditions are out of the way, things can go on with us as they do now, and we're really happy for all the time we've spent together here! You can look forward to the completion of our comics and other things that we're inspired to do when we've got a cozy new home.

Take care, see you all in a while and a new light, and thank you all for your support! Good graces to everyone~




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