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Hello dear Patrons of all classes! With the current comic almost finished, why not have another nice poll with our esteemed guest artist SashimiPop? We are fresh off the Digimon presses and there's some afterburn for you to get~

It's simple; SashimiPop hereby offers 2 illustration slots themed with Digimon in general. Those among you who like the franchise and perhaps enjoyed our latest work, might find their opportunity now to see some Digi-goodness. You may all vote for the subjects below, and SashimiPop draws the two most votedexclusively for the entire Dreamrifle community!~ If you remember their style from last time, it's here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sashimipops-poll-64670268

The poll is restricted to the Digimon and their Digi-evolutions respectively, no human characters or interspecies.

Choose wisely until November 20th and look forward to 2 awesome pictures selected by you, the Patrons themselves~

Escopeto + SashimiPop


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