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Hi guys!  Thanks to all of you who gave your feedback in the poll.  It's been really interesting to see what thoughts you guys have on me and my pet project!

Over 50% of you are eager to get more updates on what's going on at my end with about 25% of you feeling quite strongly about it.  Only 4 people (2%) said they would be annoyed by more emails so I think that leaves me with a pretty clear conclusion, that I should speak to you guys more.  Starting from today, I'm going to try and make posts more frequently in between versions to keep everyone abreast of what's going on, and I'm going to try and remember to update Patreon with a post whenever I make a blog post, so that anyone who doesn't religiously check the blog is still kept up-to-date.  I will also aim to make more smaller updates on my Twitter (https://twitter.com/AikaMcSlut) with just what I'm doing on any particular day.

As I suspected (and hoped), the success of this Patreon is mainly attributed to the replayability of the game, the niche kinks it offers, and the interesting / challenging gameplay.  One of the reasons I asked this was to get an idea of what would be quite necessary to keep as the focus if (or when?) I start making my second XXX game.  But don't worry, whatever sky high plans I come up with, TQ is the development priority in the short and medium term for sure.

Your kinks are distributed about how I expected, with mental corruption and physical transformation taking the joint 1st place, closely followed by D/s and humiliation.  Considering these are my biggest kinks, I think it's unsurprising that these get the most love and therefore attract the most fans.  Diapers was a lot lower than I expected, at 25% - this is partially surprising because the public poll was closer to 35%, and also because of how vocal this particular group is (probably because there are like 0 other games that cater to this kink).  But it's important for me to know what percentages I'm looking at here, because I want to make sure that the effort I spend on certain features is proportional.  Lactation loves are also particularly vocal but only make up 44% of top supporters.

Thank you for all your great ideas for debug commands; it's good to know what you might be interested in, since over 50% of you said it was one of the main reasons you support me!  Some are not very realistic but others are quite doable, so this gives me lots of ammunition to be able to spend some development time making sure you guys feel valued, and feel that you are being genuinely rewarded for your continued support.

A low percentage of people had genuine interest in seeing my streaming code, but this was still a fair number of people, so I might consider it at some point.  I imagine the novelty might wear off quite quickly but hey, maybe it's worth a shot.  I'm kind of intrigued to see where that could lead - maybe someone watching would realise they want to try becoming a contributor, or maybe having ideas thrown at me when I'm in the middle of coding could help keep my creative juices flowing.

38 of you would be interested in joining a hangouts group.  This is a reasonable number and so it's something I'll probably get round to setting up eventually.

While one third of you are fine for me to just keep doing what I'm doing, the rest of you did have opinions on how I should spend my time.  The largest group was people who felt that brand new content is the most important thing.  This is interesting as I find brand new content the most fun to implement, but I always feel guilty about leaving some stuff feeling a bit incomplete, or not fleshed out or varied enough.  Maybe I'll try to just power through and see how it impacts fan reception as a whole.  17% of you wanted even more focus on filling in the gaps though, which is definitely not an insignificant number.  So I definitely won't be completely ignoring old content or anything like that!

The character window preference was impressively well distributed between the windows, which I really like to see, it shows that all three have their place and it's worth me continuing to invest in their development.  All three main artists and Gurgles, who is still helping out with the Danaume window, are being paid monthly out of the proceeds of your support and it seems to me like this is a great arrangement, everyone is a winner, especially you guys who get to choose between loads of different ways to represent your character!

Anyway the overall conclusion is that it looks like I'm well placed to be able to keep the majority of you happy into the future.  If you ever do feel like you genuinely regret supporting me, please do send me a message, or comment on the blog, anonymous or otherwise, letting me know why.  Even if it's too late for me to make it up to you, it may help me make sure that I don't upset more people in the same way.

I am forever grateful to every one of you guys for enabling me to turn this hobby into a real job. Or even the start of a porn game dev career?  I can dream!

Love from Aika


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