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EDIT: A hotfix has been deployed and links updated!

Sorry for the delay. Everything is nuts at the moment isn't it! Thank you for your continued support and I hope that anyone who has to socially distance or self-isolate can burn a good number of the boring solitary hours away in Bimbacia :-)

Blog post:  https://trapquest.com/2020/03/16/trap-quest-release-11-version-4-0-hotfix/ 

Strateg Version: https://area57.cloud/index.php/s/JAb73anDmn4CEsk/download

MEGA Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!OhtVXY7R!JuQEqRxOrMJ9FxMzyprHfhdDaDBzsrk9MdoI_ifwL5I

Love from Aika


Ian Lamothe

I seem to be having issues downloading the hotfix. No matter how many times I try downloading it, the launcher keeps telling me there is a new version and I still have the problems it was supposed to fix.