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Wow, the twelve days of Christmas are over already? I guess that means a bugfix is well overdue.

In other news, welcome to the new decade! I'm feeling super optimistic about this whole lewd dev business at the moment. I've got some really exciting plans, short term, medium term and long term. If you like humiliation, predicaments and corruption I'm sure you'll like my future stuff at least almost as much as you like my current stuff :D

Anyway I'll not  ramble on, if you support multiple patreon projects I'm sure you've been overwhelmed by essays about 2020 plans already. I'll just drip feed you little bits of news over time like always ;-)

Thank you so much for your continued incredible support and I look forward to what we can achieve together this year and beyond.

Changelist:  http://trapquest.com/2020/01/06/trap-quest-release-11-version-2-1/ 

Strateg Version: https://area57.cloud/index.php/s/KxGwSTMacNnxL5a/download

PS. Apologies if this link struggles to work at first - the Christmas version was so popular in the first 24 hours that the server kept dying. We're working on it.



I think there should be a documentary made on the history of Trap Quest, its development so far, where it's going, the people behind the game and the community that feeds this ever growing game. I wonder if that will ever happen...either way, enjoying your stuff thoroughly so far ;)


Link appears broken. Is area57 down?


area57 is down, can we get a mega link?


Link is still down, can we get a mirror?