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Hey y'all So as you might have seen on my Twitter/Tumblr I'm workout a computer or the ability to work on anything other than taking photos of paper at the moment, lol. Also means I'm struggling with accessing Patreon as normal and getting things set up for this month's art. Unfortunately there's just not much I can do other than wait, I've managed to figure stuff out in terms of a system to use, but that might not be available and working until next week. Just the way the cookie crumbles, unfortunately. With things as they are, for December, polls may not work out so well. Instead I'm going to open up suggestions for all, and I'll pick a couple to doodle up. I don't know how many I'll do, or what level of complete they'll be, but if y'all are okay with some less 'polished' art for your suggestions, then this might work out well, lol. You can suggest more or less anything so long as it's still to the usual rules; my/your OCs or have the owner's permission and I'm not going to do things on my 'nope' list. You can be vague ('I'd just like to see some huge ____!’) or more specific with who and what. And if you have more than one idea, hey, why not chuck them in anyway. I'm not going to guarantee I'll pick the idea, but variety of them gives a better chance. So throw your suggestions at me now! Comment here or DM is fine as normal.


Scott Fine

How about a follow up the that BBW Death image from a few months ago where she’s bigger? Also I’d love to see more with K2 feeding that BBW FemLu from this month. It was such a cozy pic!


i'd love to see more bbw Red and White hanging out :) (i'm really sorry i had to reduce my sub this month, it's always a tough month for money)