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Hey everybody! 

This is the cover art of a macro manga that me and Kuroshinki (twitter.com/artofkuroshinki) are working on. Yes, a manga. It will star me and Shinseikyouto (deviantart.com/shinseikyouto) as the giants. The tinies here are Patreon supporters picked through Discord. As usual, I have been working on this stuff on livestream through the Patreon's Discord server.

This is a pretty massive undertaking, but it is on seemingly good path to completion so far. I will upload 3 works in progress along the lines of this cover artwork right now, then I will sporadically upload advancement of this massive project during the next few months - these will only be available to people pledging $20 and more.




Tu vas faire un manga ! Super ! Ça sera en version papier ? Tu sais s’il sera en français ?


aaaaaaaaaaa-- going to be supremely dead by the end of this, whether or not it's underfoot. So bloody amazing

Paul R

One of the best!


Will there be crushing underfoot of you 2?