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Hey! I want to hear from you, so feel free to drop a comment, alright? ♡

I have produced quite a lot of content for Patreon in the past two months, but I don't have much feedback, so I'm not sure what you guys like and what I should focus on.

Are there themes you think I should draw more or less often? Or even some that I never drew and that you'd like me to draw? That includes macro themes and kinks, power dynamics, characters, etc.

Are the rewards satisfying? Do you have qualms about the quality of the art or the variety in my pieces? I have been drawing my original characters a lot, is that alright? I also create a very large number of sketches and quickly colored drawings compared to the number of lined/polished pictures. Focusing on HD pics would greatly reduce the number of drawings released; are you all fine with the current way.

Please, leave a comment! I would love to hear what you want me to focus on, art-wise and in terms of Patreon rewards. If there's something you wish I could do to improve your experience with my Patreon, I'd like to hear it. I want every single supporter to feel satisfied and included, so let's work together to offer you cool art, ok? ♡



I love your art and you put out a lot of in on a consistent basis, so I prefer the now way than less but HD. I'd like more unwilling tiny and feet stuff and OCs are definitely more than fine


Thank you for your input! I'm glad to hear you prefer the current way and OCs, they've both been very enjoyable for me too. Thanks!


personally, I think the sketches are just as high-quality as the completed work! I'm grateful for the highly varied content, both in terms of characters and subject matter. The current way is A-OK IMO!


I'm one of the many people who don't comment much. Sorry about that! For me, I always love seeing buff, barefooted, giant guys having little guys underfoot. Gentle or crush, it's all great with me! Have been watching your work on Deviantart for years and am glad to be able to support you in this way once in awhile. Thanks for doing what you do and sharing it with us.


I don't usually comment much, but so far your site has been great. Maybe I'd like to see foot domination drawings, full size. For example, one character sitting on another and rubbing the head with his feet.


More Everett, and more OCs with defined personalities!


Thanks! I have drawn something like that - but the character was sitting on the other's face and rubbing the body and crotch with his feet. If you wanna see more, are there specific characters you'd like? :O


Please, don't apologize for not commenting; I deeply appreciate your support! Buff barefoot giants with tinies underfoot, I draw that often xD Are there any specific characters/scenarios you'd like?


Really enjoy your content alot! Honestly your "sketches" are amazing and looks finished so major kudos <3 Id like to see if possible more footplay from giants that are like 2-3x the size of another character


So far, I would say the art being produced matches fine with the patreon cost. In general, I see you still have a good mix of vore and foot drawings, so I don't actually have any recommendations. Keep being you and awesome. :)

Jacob Van Winden

Hi Kwa! :) I realize that this is just me speaking for myself here, (maybe it's just been done a bit more than I realize and I just don't know it) but perhaps more kind and gentle scenarios involving giants helping tinies out. They could help them out in creative ways against bullies or even give the tinies a sense of protection and feeling safe. I know for me at least it would be a nice break from more adulterated materials every now and again given i'm not really into that kind of thing all that much. :) I certainly feel that while i'm in one of the lower tiers, the rewards have been satisfying for sure. I'm glad to be given a chance for some free arts every now and again. There's just something about the anticipation of it for sure that really makes it kind of fun. While I haven't won one yet, it's definitely still fun to know you offer that kind of thing. I have no qualms or quarrels about how you draw at all. You are certainly very talented and I definitely mean that 100%. It's certainly something I envy very very much. I also think it's cool that you draw OC's a lot as well (more cool pics with Everett please? ;) ) As far as the raffle requests and such for what you draw, I like the fact you go above and beyond to do full on color and/or shading pictures. You are correct in that it's not as fast as a sketch, but I do enjoy that more. Although, I would at the same time be content with a sketch, only to be finished at a later time as a full color work. I do believe the $30 tier is definitely fair to be able to do the request pool as well. I'll have to save up one day for that for sure to be apart of that for a few months. With that, I believe that concludes a couple of my small thoughts on the matter. You're definitely doing a cool job with this. Thanks for being good to me and everyone here. ^^

Ajninabik (Gus)

I really like the variety of your content. One of my favorite types of content are the "snapchat" series that tells a story, like the Deku and Bakugo set. :) Seeing each persons perspective is neat.


I love that you do a variety of content! Also the fact that you update pretty regularly too! I wouldn't mind more vore and NSFW stuff tho hehe