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Subtitle: The changing face of the Astray3 Patreon. 

Hello my content parched Patrons, 

First, let me welcome the new Patrons. I appreciate your attempting to support my artistic endeavors. Even if this Patreon page is a largely defunct. Honestly, I should have deleted it ages ago. But, I never seemed to get around to it. However, here YOU are showing an interest in this neglected page. 

So, what's to be done now that you are here? How can I best make checking this page out worth YOUR time? ( Leave a comment on this post. )

First, the contribution structure will have to change. As you might have noticed, this page was built around the development of my comic. Thus, patrons are charged on a per-page basis. Sadly, my life has really changed since the last page was posted. The stompy robots have eaten my art life! I do plan to return to comics in the future, but that isn't likely for some time yet. Expect the Patreon to be converted to a standard monthly charge as a result. ( It won't happen for a while. I'll have to research the change to the fee structure. You won't be charged till it happens. )

Secondly, what can I offer you as a fair patron of goodly virtue? I'll resume posting art updates here before other social media pages. I can go a bit more in-depth about the art's creation too. And as a bonus, I'll post sneak peeks and sketches about upcoming projects. ( Including my professional work...cough* Catalyst....cough* Dream Pod 9...cough* Tex Talks Battletech. )

Let me kick off the fun with the Uncle Bucky's Urbanmech Emporium graphic. 

Tex came up with the name. I request a stack of ideas for the billboards in the Marauder road gag scene. It was my idea to combo it with the Discount dan signs. Basically, make it look like DD took over a failing roadside attraction. Then he stored a bunch of nukes there....then they blewed up. 

I was inspired by the abandoned tourist traps that dot the highways of the south. I'm an emotional sucker for a shuttered business. I can't help thinking about some old entrepreneurial family's hopes and dreams rising and falling with the tides of America's highway network. I really empathize with it....or maybe the place was a tourist trap where psychos lured travelers to their doom. Like the movie Motel Hell or...umm...Tourist Trap


That's all for now. More stuff soon!

All the best,




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