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Hello there!

I am so, so sorry for the lack of updates (again). These months have been quite... difficult and weird. I don't really wanna explain again and play victim as I've already said everything on the last post. 

I've been preparing the remaining rewards, but theres a few more left. 

FEB and MARCH rewards were send to mostly all patrons except for the highest tiers. The months of APRIL, MAY, JUNE AND JULY are still pending, as I reveived the pins not so long ago. 

I've already mentioned it on Twitter, but I am moving soon and I have a lot to prepare. During the month of AUGUST I will be preparing all rewards left with someone's  help (I really need it on that point), and I expect to sent everything during that month. I am sorry about the delays but rest assured everyone will get what they payed for. I will also slowly reply to all dms, but please don't worry as I won't dissapear. The Patreon will be put on hold on the 30th night to make sure the payment doesnt go trough and no one is charged for this month (making the Chihiro pin the last one).

I just wanted to thank everyone for being this patient during these hard times for me, and I also owe you all the world for being a big support on this project!

I won't discard reopening the club on a near future, changing the theme of it, but I still have to think about it.



Claire Blu

I haven't either, but I also moved within the last few months so it might have gotten sent to my old address

Lacey Scott

Another update would be super nice since it's almost the end of September and still no updates/rewards recieved :( it's only fair to update us periodically.