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Hello, helloooo!!
I am quite late but I've been trying to finish pending work ;_; But now it's time to choose the upcoming pins! This time I decided to make polls for the next 3 months, hoping these won't suffer a huge delay.  
Since I wanted to make all 3 polls all the same time cause I need to place the order before the month ends, I made a Google Form, so please fill it!

Poll will last 24h, I will share resutls tomorrow and made the character polls.


Themes are:
May: Maid Café
June: Magical Girls
July: Tanabata

UPDATES for FEB and MARCH pins
I've been trying to get in touch with my manufacturer for the last 8 days, without any reply on their side. I finally received a reply yesterday, and my agent seems to be out of work for some days due to personal reasons. They never assigned me another agent (I have no idea why, but thats very unprofessional tbh). He said he will send the pins as soon as he comes back to work this week. At this point I don't really believe their words anymore cause he said pins will be done for the 15th March and it's already the end of the month and I barely had an update. So... I am really sorry for all of this and the huge delay. I will make sure to keep you all updated and send the pins as soon as they arrive. Once again, I'm very, very sorry for this.

And that's all for now! Thanks everyone for reading. Have a nice day<3


Lacey Scott

Magical girlsss

Vicky Peculiar

All of them are so pretty~ I think the forms way of voting is very interesting - I kind of prefer not knowing what everyone is going to pick, so it can't sway the votes into an overwhelming majority? (we might get an overwhelming majority either way but-)