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Hello hellooo!!  
It's about time to be choosing the characters for the new pins! This time I would need to place the order for February and March together, since my manufacturer will be out for the entire month due to the Chinese New Year.  

I've been struggling a lot about the new pins, and my first idea was to make a Tiger themed one since 2022 will be the Year of the Tiger. But then I though something related to Valentine's Day could be better and more fitting :D.  
So here we are: an Angel for February.  
And of course if there's an Angel we also need a Demon 😈

I decided the share them without clothes so I can draw them the ones that could fit the characters chosen! Since these are matching pins, both will be chosen from the same game. SO CHOOSE WISELY!

First poll: choosing the game  
Second poll: choosing the characters. Both characters with most votes will be choosen for the pins. All female and male characters from the game that win this poll be on the next one!  

Poll will be open for the next 24hours!

Dec (and Jan) pins arrived a few days ago, so I am now packing all of them hoping to send them during next week!  

And that's all for now! I really hope you all like the new designs! Have a nice week<33

Personal updates (the update for the pins is done, this is just some personal stuff so feel free to read it ^^).
Since most of you probably noticed I am quite out from media lately, specially from Discord. I've been really stressed during last months, the comeback of Cons, lot of merchan to finish, comms, Kickstarter and the shop ... and some other stuff that had me end up really stressed and anxious. My days have been very stressful so I ended up more tired than usual, both physically and emotionally, and this has made my mood much worse and I hardly speak to anyone. The whole issue of the Covid at Spain has been getting worse and we're geting restrictions again, which makes me have fewer chance to see my friends and that stresses me even more.
My head can't stop thinking about the future and how my income will be in a few years or what will happen with my artist career, thoughts of a grown up person I suppose. I can't help but think that one day people will stop liking everything I do, and the loop begins. I know this is not going to happen in an immediate future, but I can't help but think about it. So while all of you are here I want to thank you for your support, trust and concern. And that I hope to start feeling better soon so I can return to Discord and Twitter and we all can continue those silly talks we had before :( I beg your pardon.


Dan Nanami





any chance of there being a rantaro amami pin made one day? he is my ult and i would simply pass away to have a pin of him in your art style 🥺💓


i will always support your art 🥺🥺💓💓💓


I would like to, but he has to be chosen :( I had another KS planned but with them joining N*FT's I am not sure If I will use their site again...


Sonia and/or Gundham 🤞🤞🤞




Im looking at the comments and omg Sonia and Gundam would be perfect


Gundham &amp; Sonia or Izuru &amp; Chiaki :*) either way I need one of my two fav boys in for once (bonus point for Izuru paired with my comfort girl..)

DeadlyNightShade Art

I hope you start feeling less anxious and stressed soon, so sending good vibes!! 💕💕 I think Sayaka could be a really cute angle!

John Cox

It has to be Sonia and gundham


Peko and fuyuhiko would be super cute...kaito and maki pair! Or chiaki and izuru