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Hello! The vote is end and the result is:

  • 54% -> New Talas animations
  • 34% -> Talas vore and Stomach Tour
  • 9% -> Blood and gore
  • 1% -> Photo Mode

(317 votes)

Thank you to everyone who participated !

 As a reminder, the update New Talas animation is planned for the release v0.4.4 and it aims to add new animation to Talas. I'm going to add all the animations that aren't there since v0.3.1, add mirror animations so Talas can Stomp with whatever paw he chooses.

Add punctual animations that Talas can use when he wants according to his routines like looking out the window or interacting with the environment, but also teasing animations like leaning against the wall and presenting his paws.

It will also have more animations that will take Cobble into account such as rubbing Cobble's head between his toes.

And of course I will make all the animations usable by artificial intelligence this time.

But before v0.4.4 I will release two hotfix for the update v0.4.3.

  • v0.4.3.2tomorrow more debugs.
  • v0.4.3.3 the next week focus on AI debug.

so I’m sure the game will be very clean for add new content on it.

About the posts you may have noticed, but I did not publish the devblog for the month of October. This is due to a lot of delay and I preferred to focus on hotfixes and correction updates. I will publish at the same time the devblog of October and November under the same post.





I have the same question as Dilitan


Me too, animations are great but only if they enhance and add gameplay. I dont want to watch Talas stare out of a window, i want to INTERACT with him more. Vore, Sex, Climbing over him, bringing him stuff, dodging attacks, fending of pests. Actual gameplay and stuff to do ^^


Sadly I don't think he's planning on adding any sex-related stuff, or any full-on nsfw content ;-;