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Hello valued Patrons! 

How are you all doing? I'm gonna start and prepare for next month artworks. No poll this time, instead I want to hear your suggestions who to draw. Of course, it will ultimately still depend on what I choose. Just wanted some fresh ideas. Please comment below to suggest a character.

Looking forward to your suggestions :)



Asbestos or more FEater <3


Hope you had an amazing break. I might be too late to make a suggestion but I would love to see Skadi or Projekt Red. Another separate suggestion, you could always do crossovers between series, basically drawing for example an Arknights character cosplaying as a Gensin character or something like that


Thank you! I had an amazing break. That's an interesting idea, crossover series with Arknights + Genshin. while it might take more creativity and it could be hit or miss, it would be splendid if it's executed properly. Projekt Red or Skadi sounds nice too! Thank you for the suggestions