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Time again to pick the theme for June

Silvia Cassopolis https://www.furaffinity.net/view/38362917/

Gwendy (The computer lab girl) https://www.patreon.com/posts/her-tiger-11-3-42410114

Teagan Mellville (Russian blue kitty girl from the shift manager series)

Cleo Elmsbee https://www.patreon.com/posts/cleo-elmsbee-47954671

Pools close at midnight May 29th



Time for some classic wg


Is it bad that I'm disappointed that it's looking like we won't be getting the weight gain I feel we were teased in Shift Manager?


Yeah. Sorry about that. I went through a phase of self doubt when I started doing conventions. I pulled way back on a lot of pregnancy and weight gain stories that had more pay off. Shift manager was originally a full on weight gain story, Bridgette was supposed to end with Bridgette having enough kids to fill the mansion. And the chapters were supposed to switch between pregnancy and weight gain. I quit conventions in 2015 and loosened up again. I think thats why I’m comfortable doing a comic like “Her tiger pajama’s”. I still have some weight gain stories in mind. And more preggo stories too.


For what it's worth I get it: Sometimes you wanna try and grow your audience, and you don't exactly wanna scare off the folks who are sensitive to your more indulgent indulgences. The only time you can get away with explicit fetishes in a comic franchise is if you're working for Marvel and your name is Chris Claremont (though clearly superheroes are all basically just fetishes we just pretend aren't fetishes).


Who is Teagan? I’m checked your website, but it’s not there on characters bio


Teagan Melville was from a graphic novel I did a few years back called Shift Manager. She was a waitress at a steak and shake style all night dinner with few if any customers. She falls in love with the new night shift manager and hilarity ensues. It had a compulsive eating element to the story that I pulled halfway through. I was going to reprint it this year but I'm just going to color it and repost it to Tiger Thighs.