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I'm curious

How did you discover my art and comics?



Back in the older and simpler times of PG-13.


I want to say DA, followed by following you down to FA.


Mainly from DA. More specifically: Satsumalord's gallery waaaay back in early part of the 2010s. Got introduced to your gravid mouse Bridgette there ^^


It was really pregnant instead of very, WISWRP.


Back in the day it was a forum/ gallery for plus &/or pregnant furry art. Darkwolf? It's basically where I started from.

Zephr Zerih

Sadly the site really isn't active anymore. I think the rise of FA and then Discord made it easier for people to upload and comment elsewhere. It was down for a while, but at least it is back up in some capacity.

Viro Veteruscy

Damn, haven't been on Round House since 7th grade >w<


I think in my case, I was introduced to your work through your webcomic, Bridgette's Belly; though I can't remember how I found your webcomic site. Maybe it was from a link through another site, like the Round House? I don't think it was specifically that though.