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Hello Peeps! I Hope you bein' the best you can and livin Yo Life cuz Im about to send you some Stuff I plan out this September!--Which may or may not fail, More likely to Win though--


Distancing away from Deception has been an ease of mind. Now i can mainly focus on my performance instead of worrying about Reviews in the Middle of the Story. Im hoping to finish the Kirli pages this Month AFTER Juizzy fruits pages and the animations are done. So this may be a MAYBE. I'll work it out and I'll keep you updated somehow on the Progression..I said somehow cuz posting updates With Juizzy Fruit Pages results in little Likes apparently lel. I'll probably just post a Boring text post? I'll do that. 

=====JUIZZY FRUITS=======

How You Liking  Random Fruits Out of Nowhere JUIZZY FRUITS so far? --Nevermind don't answer that here, i'll make a poll on current approvals, THIS WILL HURT I KNOW. 

This month i will Finally end the Teaser, yes, TEASER, series for Juizzy Fruits. There's gonna be the Super sexy scenes--Only 3$ +--. I'll be releasing Super sexy scenes on Public-..Probably mid October if the SFW pages are not well received for obvious reasons. ANYWAYS, Speaking of the Safe For Work pages, There will be lots of kisses. To ALL the girls--ALL OF EM. ALLLLLLLL. 

Thing with what i said previously about all girls gonna have some UMF time, it'll be risky. So ill actually be doing versions for different host sites. One for Totally Safe For Work audience in Webtoons and DeviantArt, One for Patreon and Tumblr(mostly Pine), aaaaaaand one for Pixiv and Twitter and the Archive cuz you know what im talking about and it rhymes with lolly. It's gonna be a really Nice What-in-the-Fuck is going on i like this moment(s).

Im really hoping this will ignite Curiosity on this series, the Good Kind, if that happens then this series has basically done it's job which is to TEAAAASE the First Official Juizzy Fruits Chapter which answers a whole lot of Questions i set up in This Teaser.  Like Where do the Girls Come From? What is dat Super Orange Cuck Lord? What's with the Talking Oranges? What kind of fucking World do they live in? Stuff like that. Im really Excited! So excited that I can use this energy to Speed Shit up so I can Finish Kirli pages on Deception!


•Lopunny Animation

I'll finish the LoveBunny Animation with it's Climax in two days from now. Don't be excited cuz i often fuck that up. But that's basically my Target. 

•2 12 Frame Animation

We're gonna vote for Characters. Im mostly thinking of doing Elora(Spyro), because such a faun needs some attention. Yea she has Too Much attention out there but NO ONE CAN BEAT MY ATTENTION. 


This one, it's really possible but that would require me to get rid of my current Source of Purpose Drug which is Gaming. There's pleasure in seeing a Picture be finished, but what's disheartening is the amount of Likes it gets HERE IN PATREON, it's kinda embarassing. I can go on with the details and i'll only end up boring you so just to tell you the main point. Im gonna make some pics and if the Like count satisfies me i'll go make some more. Maybe if we get some traction i'll even do this everyday. IT'S POSSIBLE..Okay probably 1 times per 2 days.

By the way i don't have to do that because Thank You Pics are replaced by the Animations.


That's all the News!



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