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One good things about being back in Stockholm is having access to my mom's piano again. I grew up with this huge grand piano, and mom and dad let me play it as soon as I could sit up straight (putting stickers on it though, was NOT allowed. Nor drawing on it with my crayons.)

I never learned how to read music. Instead my mom would teach me songs key by key, chord by chord. It took me almost a year to learn the first two pages of Pathetique by Beethoven. I was 12 years old, stubborn AF, and wanted to learn how to play this very intricate piece of classical music without knowing how to read a single note. 

Yeah, kudos kid Simone, you have tons of grit and all, but now I'm like "12YO SIMONE YOU LAZY SON OF A BITCH JUST LEARN HOW TO READ MUSIC SO GROWN UP ME DOESN'T HAVE TO DO IT"

Yours truly,
Still lazy


Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1

Uploaded by Simone Giertz on 2017-04-29.


Olaf Doschke

I had Music lessons in school and had to learn an instrument. I picked melodica, and the only way I survived was memorising the notes and pretending to read them in lessons. While notes are somewhat depiciting the music in an intuitive way I always found it had to read and play at the same time. I love music so much, but I am not a good player at all. That also may be due to a minimal cerebral palsy that accompanied my epilepsy. It's undetectable today, but I still blame some of my clumsiness to it ;). I was a mediocre singer in a boys chiore until voice break. Well, you heard me go to some sing sang in my soundcloud speedreading... Well, you could pick up playing piano even later, your role model is actually just a few jumps on the youtuber community, Alan Stewart makes music for some numberphile videos: <a href="https://youtu.be/acTrvMlpuxA?t=3m39s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/acTrvMlpuxA?t=3m39s</a>


Erik Satie! This is one of my favorite piano pieces by him. Thanks for sharing.


Perhaps a shitty music reading robot is in order?


As a person who has studied classical piano for 17 years, your 12 year old self's ambition pains me. As someone who's trying to learn jazz piano, I totally feel it.


Oh my goodness, Gymnopédie No. 1 is one of my all-time favorite songs!! I wish I had more than 30 seconds of it from you. :) So incredibly lovely.


Oh wow &lt;3 &lt;3




Only 29 seconds?!!! Didn't even get to hear the strings of the last note you played fade into suspenseful silence? Pathetique! (I only say this because I wanted more, and okay, I admit that was probably your goal.) Also, piling onto James Morehead's idea, the music reading robot suggestion is brilliant -- but thinking this through more, a piano playing robot that pauses to flip music pages would be ...


Why is it only 29 seconds? I love everything about this. I already knew that you were talented at a lot of stuff but I didn't know that you knew how to play piano. That is just wonderful. Will you ever do a longer version of this or any other piano stuff? I'd like to see you play more.


More please :)


Jag kan bara spela barnen i bullerbyn :P