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Here's a short video I filmed for you guys when I was in the bathroom! Also, I drew a galaxy on my curtain with a sharpie. If anyone want it I'd be happy to send it. Just DM your address and I'll pick someone at random-ish! It's 54'' wide and 40'' long. 

It's a piece of art in its own regard. Doesn't actually depict a real galaxy. All spawned from my brain. So a galaxy of my brain I guess? It's a pretty shitty curtain to be frank. No warranty.


PATREON EXCLUSIVE: Hi from the bathroom of doom

Uploaded by Simone Giertz on 2017-03-10.



Think you need Legos and some string to play with next time. Great job! I can just imagine you yelling at Alexa to stop, that's hilarious!


You spelled his name wrong.