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Thanks everybody who showed up! This was a lot of fun. And thanks SCOTT who is the best everrrr.

Next month I'll do evening time PST so that people in other timezones can join in too  🎈


PATREON EXCLUSIVE: Live broadcast answering your questions!

Uploaded by Simone Giertz on 2017-02-23.



You make me happy!!


I think a half hour was a good amount of time for this.


That was fun Simone. Thanks!


A good 30 min video without a need for editing...... lol


Abhorsen was pretty epic. Mogget is BA AF.


Sounds like you'd enjoy a Chocobo ride. <a href="http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/img/gmw/docs/1014/495/032.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/img/gmw/docs/1014/495/032.jpg</a>


Thanks for uploading this. I was at work at that time and I didn't want to miss it :)


Glad to have your vote with a hard G in the Gif war.


I've taken to pronouncing gif Gighph hard G-eye-ff. that way I can piss off both sides of this stupid argument. alternatively, if gighph isn't your thing, you can pronounce it with a silent G. Simone, glad to see your quick Patreon videos, and look forward to the next q&amp;a. but don't worry about living up to any expectation, or feel pressure/obligated with the patrons. Just keep being you. Happy to see you happy and doing what you love.


That's fun! Thanks for sharing and posting this! I totally see what you mean about Patreon and expectations. Try to look at this as we are enjoying what you're doing and its the viewers chance to give back, as opposed to you who are obligated to earn our attention. ? Something profound like that! But yeah, go with it. Stay Awesome!


the inventor of the gif says soft g. Sooooo argue with that