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There is so much to write about that I'm instead going to just tell you one tiny thing: my mom is in town, and we put wallpaper up in my dining room. We did a very good job and I think it looks very nice.

Ok since I've broken the ice, holy hell I've had a couple of months. I should probably tone down the melodrama, but no, we're leaning right into its sticky arms:

Yetch.store is kicking my butt. This video I'm working on is kicking my butt. Scraps is kicking my butt. Tomorrow I'm flying to Las Vegas out of all places to give a talk that I haven't even started writing yet (I'm really betting on that none of the event organizers are also Patreon supporters. If you are: this is standard procedure, don't worry). Plus I've been going through a breakup, and I'm single (!) for the first time in many (!) many (!) years. 


I'm fine. Really. It's just... a lot at once. But the wallpaper looks nice. And my mom is in town and I love her very much. And I celebrated my birthday with her and Dianna, and the spa staff confused Dianna for my mom which made me laugh.

And I made myself an asparagus costume for Halloween. 

And I bought a new car! Don't worry, I still stan Truckla. But I needed something less headturnery so I got myself an electric Volvo. I named her Volvla. Obviously.

And Scraps, despite driving me crazy at least once a day also makes me smile at least 20 times a day. So I guess things are pretty good after all.



The Doom Merchant

I get the desire to keep a name-based link with Truckla, but--missed opportunity to call it Volva [ifyouknowwhatimean]. ALAS. maybe next time. sorry to hear about all the troubles, but glad to see you've got people around you to help keep you up. and the wallpaper does indeed look great.


I missed the update email somehow so I'm a little late. I hate that all those things are kicking your butt, but glad you have great support, and even more importantly, the strength of being a total kick-ass person. You didn't get that way without getting kicked by many things in the past -- we all know you conquered one huge brain challenge that very few of us will ever have to face. But hey, if that many things are kicking your butt at the same time, perhaps a butt shield that kicks back is in order. One with a size 16 steel-toed boot. (Avoid this method for Scraps though.)