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Hi! I just want to apologize in advance for this upcoming joke. Apology accepted? Great. And no, I do not accept refunds. Ok, here we go:

Coming up with ideas is like popping pimples: the harder you squeeze, the worse the results are going to be.

So after weeks of struggling with creative constipation, I took a break and traveled to San Francisco. I think I've been suffering from social scurvy, because seeing my friends made me feel more alive than I have in a long time. 

With that said, I finally have two project ideas to present you with! Fresh out of the cerebral oven.

Project Number One

Imagine a porta potty... but it's also a sauna. You open the door, expecting a standard plastic shit throne, but instead you're met with a cloud of hot steam, and a towel-wrapped stranger sitting on a wood bench.

Why, you may ask? I'm going to have to get back to you on that one, I may answer.

I give this idea about a 60% chance of being built.

Project Number Two

Kudos for making it this far. Your resilience is admirable. 

This next idea actually isn't that bad! I have this weird tiny door in my living room that leads up to a storage loft. I keep it open, because it gives the plamp some extra sun, but it leaks a lot of heat during winter, and becomes a tiny hell hole during summer. So I want to put in a sliding window there, and I've been thinking of ways to make it more fun. 

My favorite idea is making a window out of a really thin, water-proof tank and filling it with liquid and adding some lava lamp-esque feature. I've ordered some parts, and I'm going to start prototyping tomorrow.

Some of the objects I'm going to pick apart and try to turn into some sort of window. 

I'm so excited to get into a new project! And can't wait to replace "what the heck am I going to build" with my more standard state of "how the heck am I going to get this together." 

Simone & this unrelated yet highly relevant photo of Scraps: 


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-20 04:08:48 Hey, Simone, No idea why, but I'm just seeing this now... Scraps is looking amazing, as usual <3 However, I just wanted to mention, in case you aren't aware (you probably are aware of this, but I'll feel better saying it, in case you aren't) - tennis balls are problematic for dogs, unless they're just being thrown/chased, but shouldn't be left with the dog. They can grind down the teeth (this happened to a dog of mine about 30 years ago, before we were aware this was an issue). There are a few other issues with them, but I went and found an article explaining what I meant: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/advice/are-tennis-balls-safe-for-dogs/ and https://positively.com/contributors/whats-safer-a-tennis-ball-or-a-ball-made-specifically-for-dogs/ One other question about Scraps - when you built her glorious photo booth house, did you mean to paint the inside with the Ukranian flag?? :)
2022-03-11 01:09:01 Hey, Simone, No idea why, but I'm just seeing this now... Scraps is looking amazing, as usual <3 However, I just wanted to mention, in case you aren't aware (you probably are aware of this, but I'll feel better saying it, in case you aren't) - tennis balls are problematic for dogs, unless they're just being thrown/chased, but shouldn't be left with the dog. They can grind down the teeth (this happened to a dog of mine about 30 years ago, before we were aware this was an issue). There are a few other issues with them, but I went and found an article explaining what I meant: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/advice/are-tennis-balls-safe-for-dogs/ and https://positively.com/contributors/whats-safer-a-tennis-ball-or-a-ball-made-specifically-for-dogs/ One other question about Scraps - when you built her glorious photo booth house, did you mean to paint the inside with the Ukranian flag?? :)

Hey, Simone, No idea why, but I'm just seeing this now... Scraps is looking amazing, as usual <3 However, I just wanted to mention, in case you aren't aware (you probably are aware of this, but I'll feel better saying it, in case you aren't) - tennis balls are problematic for dogs, unless they're just being thrown/chased, but shouldn't be left with the dog. They can grind down the teeth (this happened to a dog of mine about 30 years ago, before we were aware this was an issue). There are a few other issues with them, but I went and found an article explaining what I meant: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/advice/are-tennis-balls-safe-for-dogs/ and https://positively.com/contributors/whats-safer-a-tennis-ball-or-a-ball-made-specifically-for-dogs/ One other question about Scraps - when you built her glorious photo booth house, did you mean to paint the inside with the Ukranian flag?? :)


I love the lemon window and want to make one myself. Also, i love a sauna and sauna culture. I want to make one for my back yard and a port-a-potty sized one would be perfect.