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Hi Past Self! 

Future Self here. I know you're super nervous about flying to Sweden with Scraps because she tends to bark - no, war cry - at random strangers. But you know what? You can cancel that near-panic attack you're going to have the day before the flight. Because as it turns out Scraps is, indeed, a very good girl.

POV: you haven't peed in 9 hours because you don't want to wake up your dog

Scraps and I spent two weeks in Sweden, and seeing my family and friends made me happy on such a primal level. You know that type of happy, contentedness (I'm surprised that's an actual word!) when you're like "wow this is what it means to be human." But it really felt like it was first and foremost Scraps' trip, and I was merely a furless chaperone for her experiences.

She saw snow for the first time! Found it to be quite cold and underwhelming. Don't fall for the the hype.

She spent reluctant time with the NUMBER ONE THREAT TO THE STATE OF THE WORLD: my mom's cat. After about a week of intense negotiations, she agreed to sniff the cat's butt and found it to be a surprisingly pleasant experience.

We ate food...

... and modeled for next season's Christmas tree catalogues....

... and worked on jigsaw puzzles and just moved very slowly in general.

We got back to LA last night, and was greeted by two skunks having very stinky (and surprisingly noisy!) sex in my front yard. I think it means good luck? Or maybe it's a curse. Either way: I'm so happy to be back home! I have zero builds planned for this year, so 2022 is truly a blank page ready for me to spill some coffee on. Do you have any projects planned? 

Happy New Year everyone!



Dude, gross


My projects consist of sewing a button back on a shirt, building a media cabinet, and unpacking. Oh, and finishing my novel by March.